Oct. 3

We are really excited to begin our Alberta History Timeline. Room 2 was given their partners name along with the event and year they are going to research. We went over the outline of the finished project. We still need to look at and review jot notes. This inquiry is a joint project with Room 4. Both classes will be working on it. Students partners are students from their own classrooms for this project.

Grade 3's did the last part of their SLA math assessment today. They enjoyed doing it because it was more like a game for them.  Grade 3's are welcome to take their headphones back home.

Today Grade 4's got Green Team forms if they were interested in joining the Green Team Club.

We had fun lunch today.

Most students finished their word work practice activity. Room 2 worked really hard on their work period choices this morning as our friends finished up their SLA in math.

In French Grade 4's are working on vocabulary for items found in the classroom and at their tables.

Please remember that tomorrow is our half day Friday.

Terry Fox donation celebration!!!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Annual school Terry Fox Run.
The Active Living committee is thrilled to report that we raised a grand total of $1,101 all of which will go to the Terry Fox Foundation. 
Great work Lake Bonavista School!

ADmazing Savings Coupon Books
We are now in the last week of our ADmazing Savings Coupon book fundraiser. The proceeds from this fundraising activity will be used directly in your child’s classroom. Books are available for $25.00 each, of which Lake Bonavista will use $10.50 for the benefit of our students.

If you wish to take advantage of these discounts, please complete the order form printed on the back on the ADmazing envelope, and enclose the correct amount of money - $25.00 per book ordered. - directly to your child’s classroom teacher by Thursday, October 10th, 2019 or earlier.


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