
Showing posts from October, 2019

Oct. 31

Happy Halloween! Today during work period we worked on our monster stories. Not everyone is done. Most students are working on their good copies. We will finish this next week. Some students chose to work on their Social Studies timeline inquiry. Some students coloured their pumpkins with oil pastels. This afternoon we had our costume parade. We also made decorations for the classroom. We went outside for gym at the end of the day. Please remember to bring in your field trip forms. The leadership team presented about the food drive. Please bring in non-perishable food donations in the up coming weeks for the Veterans Food Drive. Tomorrow is a PD day. There is no school for students. See you Monday!

Oct. 30

Today was a good day. Some people began to create the good copy of their monster story. Room 2 can't wait to share their stories. We got to see the Grade 1 and 2's share their assembly. Today we had music. Ask me about it! Remember to bring your costumes tomorrow. Please try to have a costume that is a reasonable size so students can still move in them. Costumes need to be school appropriate, no weapons, masks and gore. The parade will begin at 1:00 tomorrow. If you're bringing snacks, make sure they are nut free. Please bring a healthy snack if possible. There are field trip forms coming home today. Please fill them out and return them to Room 2.

Oct. 28

Wow, today flew by! We started our monster story today. We began by planning out our story. Students are working on their words for this week. We started our problem of the week in math. We have to choose one number and make it in as many ways as possible. Students had the opportunity to finish up their measurement passports. We also worked on another number string. Room 2 learned about quotation marks. Students are working on editing a paragraph where they have to look for missing quotation marks. At the end of the day we played silent ball. Ask me about it!

Oct. 25

We started our pumpkin art. We watched art hub to see how to draw a pumpkin. We will continue this on Monday. Room 2 worked on another Math Talk today. We looked at two digit plus two digit numbers. It was nice to share our strategies. Students did their word work quiz during work period. In Science, we began a compression experiment by building a bridge over two chairs with different materials. We then placed different objects, like a rock, on top to see if that material bends or breaks. We will continue this on Monday. We had a round of silent ball at the end of the day. Have a great weekend.

Oct. 24

Good Afternoon Room 2 Families, We chose four blind books for our blind book tasting. Students got to share what they thought the books were about and why they wanted to read those books. Then we unwrapped and read them.  Ask me about my favourite one. In gym, we played Great Wall of China. We switched lines so that we would have more room. Green team came around at second Recess time to collect recycling, refundable and cardboard. Room 2 worked really hard during work period today. We tried our first number talk. We started with an easy number talk. The strategy we were looking at was using tens and adding different numbers. We will be working on harder ones as we go. Students had a white board and a whiteboard marker. They were then asked to write the answer on their whiteboard. Students then shared about how they got their answer.

Oct. 23rd.

Today we worked on our measurement passport in math. Students have noticed that some things are more difficult to measure with than others because they are not accurate. A lot of students are making their social studies slide shows. Some students have chosen to try making an iMovie for their presentation. We are starting to write a story about our monsters that we have drawn. Our first step was to create a monster and write a description about it. Room 2 will then be writing a story about their monster. This afternoon we had music. Ask me about it! Students worked really well during our Montessori work period today. I was very impressed. They accomplished a lot! Way to go Room 2!

Oct. 22nd

We continued with our measurement passport today. We also did an exit slip for data analysis. Students also got to look measuring temperature by looking at thermometers. We have started to look at character development by drawing our own monster. Our next step is to write a description of our monster so that we can read it to a friend and see if they can draw it based on what we wrote. Room 2 got to work on their social studies as a work period choice. Students got to glue their portrait representations onto black card stock.

Oct. 21st

We had library today. It was nice to change our books! In gym we played revenge tag. We had to use rock, paper, scissors to determine who would be out when two were tagged at the same time. We worked on our social studies timeline. In math we started to work on our measurement passport. We get to measure different objects around the room with things like blocks. string and measuring tape.

Oct. 17th

Today we had an author and illustrator visit. Author Jace Jax read his book, "Kidsburgh Chronicles Little Jack Jarmagan: A Halloween Tale! The illustrator, Henry Hama, went over the illustration process with us. It was very interesting! In Math we have continued to work on finishing up our bead bar graphs. We looked at writing a conclusion and an introduction during our writer workshop for how to be a leader. In Social Studies we looked at how to use Photo Booth and iMovie. We will be able to create a movie to show our learning about the historical event we are investigating.

Oct. 15th

Welcome back from the long weekend. Pictures are coming home today. Please order your child's pictures by Oct. 22nd. In Science we preformed the strength test. We used sting, a straw, sandpaper, cardboard, cotton ball, paper and a feather. We found that the paper was the weakest. In gym we played candy bowl. Ask me about it. We choose a picture to write a story about. The pictures ranged from animals, people and sceneries. Room 2 worked super hard on this. It was a lot of fun! We do not have spelling words this week. In math we worked on our bead graphs. We will be moving onto measurement. Please remember to return your AdMazing Savings orders or books tomorrow.

October 8th

We glued sticky notes onto the back and front of our math workshop posters. We then took one piece of feedback and used it to improve our work by taking it to the next level.  After we completed our math workshop we worked with pictographs. We did 1, 2, 3, 4 Investigation. Room 2 will bring home pieces of paper with the numbers 1 - 4. They would like to perform the investigation at home and bring the results into school tomorrow. They will ask you to circle one number. The students are curious as to weather or not the data they get from home will be similar to the data we collected in class today. In Social Studies we began researching our date in books. We are learning about the history of Alberta. Please remember that AdMazing Savings are due back this week. There is no school on Friday.

October 7th

We had our gratitude circle this morning where we got to share about our weekend. It was nice to hear about one thing that everyone in Room 2 did. Room 2 got to practice their jot notes in preparation for our Social Studies inquiry. We will be using books and some teacher approved websites (through teacher provided links) to answer the big who, what, where, when and why about the date we have been given through a random draw. Today was library day. We each got to sign out two books. During library we had a fire drill. We need to work on not talking and being silly during a fire drill. We had a fun time in music. We had a guest teacher for music today. Her name was Ms. H. We got to play tag games in gym today. We played everyone's it and fruit salad. It was great to see everyone working together. Room 2 worked persistently during work period this morning. We got a new math problem of the week and a new paragraph to edit. We are working on writing about the things we need t

Oct. 4

We made our Science title page for building and testing materials. We also created a wonder page where we could jot down questions we have about building or any ideas we have. For our math workshop, we did a gallery walk and gave feedback on the posters. We were trying to give each poster a positive piece of feedback along with one thing they could think about adding. It was hard to do! We quizzed each other on word work today. Room 2 got to work on finishing up anything they are not done for work period.

Oct. 3

We are really excited to begin our Alberta History Timeline. Room 2 was given their partners name along with the event and year they are going to research. We went over the outline of the finished project. We still need to look at and review jot notes. This inquiry is a joint project with Room 4. Both classes will be working on it. Students partners are students from their own classrooms for this project. Grade 3's did the last part of their SLA math assessment today. They enjoyed doing it because it was more like a game for them.  Grade 3's are welcome to take their headphones back home. Today Grade 4's got Green Team forms if they were interested in joining the Green Team Club. We had fun lunch today. Most students finished their word work practice activity. Room 2 worked really hard on their work period choices this morning as our friends finished up their SLA in math. In French Grade 4's are working on vocabulary for items found in the classroom and at th

Oct. 1st

Today we worked on Social Studies. We got these pieces of paper that told us about a different town or city in Alberta. They described some of the natural resources and how the town or city developed around the resources. We had a class discussion and we are now working on a visual journal page about how we show empathy for the land and our resources. We were put into random groups and we got to work with different peers for this activity. In Math we did a quiz. It was mainly about patterning, addition and subtraction. The Grade 4's also looked at multiplication and division. During work period we got to be the teacher by editing a paragraph that Ms. Nielsen wrote. We worked on our word work, problem of the week and Grade 4's worked on their French backpacks. We had picture day today. Everyone had their picture taken. Room 2 did an awesome job with their group picture! Grade 3's, please remember to bring in headphones tomorrow.  There is a note coming home. Please