October 7th

We had our gratitude circle this morning where we got to share about our weekend. It was nice to hear about one thing that everyone in Room 2 did.

Room 2 got to practice their jot notes in preparation for our Social Studies inquiry. We will be using books and some teacher approved websites (through teacher provided links) to answer the big who, what, where, when and why about the date we have been given through a random draw.

Today was library day. We each got to sign out two books. During library we had a fire drill. We need to work on not talking and being silly during a fire drill.

We had a fun time in music. We had a guest teacher for music today. Her name was Ms. H.

We got to play tag games in gym today. We played everyone's it and fruit salad. It was great to see everyone working together.

Room 2 worked persistently during work period this morning. We got a new math problem of the week and a new paragraph to edit. We are working on writing about the things we need to be a leader in Room 2. Our goal is to write using paragraphs based on how we organized our ideas on our how to be a leader organizer.

Please remember that AdMazing Savings are due back this week.

There is no school this Friday and next Monday as it's Thanksgiving weekend.


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