Thursday March 5th,2020

Hello peeps!!! Here is the blog for you today!

We did drumming today and tomorrow is when we do our drumming assembly we are excited!!!

Today we did art and we used water color paint we did wash, dry brush and wet on wet.

Today we had our first booster juice for fun lunch too much smoothies. They tasted good but they were FROZEN.

In math we did multiplication and subtraction and addition all in one puzzle! In writing we have been talking about friendship and how we can be good friends to others.

One World Drumming Sharing 

There will be a sharing celebration for all students who have been participating in One World Drumming this week on Friday March 6 at 10:30 am:

  • AM Kindergarten
  • Rooms 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 13 and 17

Parents and Guardians are welcome to attend. There will be limited seating available.  Each class' performance will be approximately 5 minutes long.


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